List of articles on universities in Tochigi Prefecture

Discover a new test method for food allergies using urine that is safe, secure and accurate

 The group of Director Yukihiro Oya of the National Center for Child Health and Development Allergy Center and Associate Professor Yukihisa Murata of the University of Tokyo Graduate School is a food array […]

Developed by the University of Tokyo, etc.

 The research group * of Professor Ippei Maruyama of the University of Tokyo is a group of used concrete containing calcium (Ca) and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (C […]].

Improvement of rubella vaccination rate, government PR is important, University of Tsukuba survey

 Ai Hori, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, and Koji Wada, Professor of Graduate School of Medicine, International University of Health and Welfare, have been vaccinated against eczema for adult men […]

Utsunomiya University announces cancellation of individual examination for general selection Shinshu University to change

 On January 2021, 1, Utsunomiya University announced the cancellation of the individual academic ability test in the general selection in 21.COVID-2021 infection […]

Genetically "dominant" and "recessive", 9% of junior high school students misrecognize Hakuoh University survey

 A research group led by Associate Professor Takahiro Yamanoi of the Faculty of Education, Hakuoh University has completed genetic learning in science regarding the terms "dominant" and "inferior" in genetics […]

Jichi Medical University develops antibacterial drugs that sterilize drug-resistant bacteria and kill only targeted bacteria

 A research group led by Professor Choi Yong-soo of Jichi Medical University has developed a new sterilization technology that can kill bacteria with specific genes.Sterilized with antibacterial agents […]

Evolution of carnivorousness due to gene duplication revealed by genomic decipherment of carnivorous plants

 It is estimated that carnivorous plants that attract, capture, digest, absorb and nourish small animals with their leaves have evolved independently during the evolution of the plant.Basic biology […]

Hokkaido University ranked 76th overall in the world ranking of social contribution

 The UK's higher education magazine "THE" visualizes the social contributions of universities around the world using the framework of the United Nations SDGs […]