List of articles of Kyushu University

University of Tsukuba is highly evaluated for highly trained doctors and dentists

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has made an interim evaluation of 26 problem-solving advanced medical personnel training programs implemented by universities nationwide.Training doctors and dentists […]

Phase difference of EEG rhythm is involved in information processing in the brain, expected to be applied to brain-type computers, University of Tsukuba, etc.

 Research groups at the University of Tsukuba, Hokkaido University, Kyushu University, Tohoku University, and Institute of Physical and Chemical Research have said that theta waves and […] when humans manipulate images in the brain.

Kyushu University discovers epoch-making steel material that is less likely to cause metal fatigue

 The research group of Assistant Professor Motomichi Koyama, Professor Hiroshi Noguchi, and Professor Kaneaki Tsuzaki of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University was held on March 3th.

Systematize "decision science" and elucidate the commonality between social change and biological evolution Kyushu University

 Professor Tetsukazu Yahara of Kyushu University (Director of Decision Science Center for Sustainable Society at Kyushu University) describes the process of social change based on social decisions as "[...]

Analyzing the life of a shelter in the Kumamoto earthquake from a poster, Kyushu University

 The research group of Yoshito Ogata, Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Arts and Engineering, Kyushu University and Professor Shigeki Watanuki, Professor of the Center for Applied Physiology and Anthropology, has evacuated the Kumamoto earthquake […]

Elucidation of the mechanism by which hematopoietic stem cells continue to produce blood cells Kyushu University

 A joint research group between Assistant Professor Yuya Kunizaki of the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyushu University and Albert Einstein Medical University (USA) is based on bones, etc. […]

Elucidating a part of the cause of male infertility Chubu University, Kinki University, Kyushu University, etc.

 Research groups at Chubu University, Kinki University, and Kyushu University have elucidated the molecular mechanism of azoospermia using mice.This research is Waseda […]

Accelerate hepatitis C treatment through integrated research of mathematics and experiments Kyushu University, etc. 

 The research group of Associate Professor Shingo Iwami of Kyushu University Graduate School of Science and Senior Researcher Koichi Watashi of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases has shown the effects of hepatitis C drugs […].

One and a half year old baby "cares for others" announced by Kyushu University research group

 In the research group of Associate Professor Kazuhide Hashiya of the Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University (Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture), a one-and-a-half-year-old baby is in the position of a "third party" […]

The world's first demonstration of Darwin's evolution theory, discovering the sex-determining gene of asparagus

 The research group at Nara Institute of Science and Technology has used a comprehensive analysis method for the entire genome (genetic information) and gene expression to female asparagus […].
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