Pregnancy article list

Discovery of new autoantibodies that are thought to be involved in infertility Kobe University and Osaka University

 Kobe University and Osaka University have found that the "neo-self-antibody" discovered in 2015 is frequently detected in women with recurrent miscarriage.

Elucidation of the mechanism that turns on the sperm maturation mechanism Osaka University

 About one in six couples suffers from infertility, and about half of them are caused by men.However, regarding the factors involved in sperm maturation […]

In vitro fertilization using ruptured follicles, Chiba University, etc. succeeded

The joint research group of Professor Makio Ikumizu of Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine and Natural Art Clinic Nihonbashi in Chuo-ku, Tokyo has been a body […].

Ingestion of folic acid during pregnancy, expectation for prevention of problem behavior in infants, Ehime University, etc.

 A joint research group of Ehime University, the National Institute of Public Health, the University of Tokyo, and the University of the Ryukyus has found that folic acid intake during pregnancy is a low-lying society for children […]

Animal studies prove that the risk of breast cancer after exposure is reduced by pregnancy and childbirth experience

 The research group of Shizuko Kakinuma, director of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, was in childhood through joint research with Tokyo Metropolitan University […].

Elucidation of the pathogenic mechanism of hypertension after growth of children due to malnutrition during pregnancy The University of Tokyo

 Toshiro Fujita, Fellow of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo, revealed that stress during pregnancy causes the onset of hypertension after the child grows up. […]

Part of the mechanism for maintaining pregnancy is revealed for the first time-Contributing to elucidating the mechanism of recurrent miscarriage / preeclampsia

 According to the research group of the University of Toyama Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences (medicine), the variation of regulatory T cells that collect in the human uterus is the same as in the early stages of pregnancy […].
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