List of articles on neurological disorders

Discovery of brain pH and lactic acid abnormalities common in various psychiatric and neurological disease model animals

 An international joint research study conducted by a total of 7 researchers from seven countries around the world, including Fujita Health University, revealed that there are many abnormalities in brain pH (hydrogen ion concentration) and lactic acid levels […]

Sense of agency at the sensorimotor level is robust in the short term, experiments by Kio University and the University of Tokyo

 Due to sensory and motor disorders that appear after brain injury, there are cases where the prediction and the actual sensation do not match and complaints of discomfort when acting, but this sensation is […]

A method to reduce pain when recording F waves from the vastus lateralis revealed Kansai Medical University

 The F wave, which is an index of excitability of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, is sometimes measured in order to diagnose neurological disorders and determine the effects of rehabilitation.Traditional […]

Discovered epigenome changes in spermatogenesis due to father's aging Tohoku University

 Epidemiological studies have reported that the aging of fathers is associated with the development of neurodevelopmental disorders in children.Autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity […]

Succeeded in synthesizing a compound that is expected to have a long-term action and high effect even with the love hormone "oxytocin"

 A joint research group of Kanazawa University, Osaka University, Tohoku University, and Hokkaido University has found that oxytocin (OT […], which is an important hormone for the regulation of social behavior.

Discovered from new drug candidates for Parkinson's disease and approved drugs for other diseases

 Professor Tatsushi Toda of the Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, and Dr. Ken Uenaka, the Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University, have been working on the drug database […].

Discovering the mechanism by which genetics control the reading of the giant genetic code

 The research group of Associate Professor Akihide Takeuchi of the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University is a joint research with Nagoya University School of Medicine and Tokyo University of Medicine.

Niigata University discovers a "nerve map" of movement that connects the brain and spinal cord, and is an important clue for recovery of motor function

 The research group of Professor Masaki Ueno of Niigata University and Associate Professor Tomi Yoshida of Cincinnati Children's Hospital is often found in the "corticospinal tract" that connects the brain and spinal cord […].

World's first successful visualization of "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" with and without ASD, Jichi Medical University, etc.

 Collaborative research groups such as Jichi Medical University have combined ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), which is a pediatric neurodevelopmental disorder, with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) […].

Autism Spectrum Disorders Disorders of Brain Networks-Advocating Connect Patchy Kyushu University

 A research group led by Takao Yamazaki, an academic researcher at the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyushu University, and Professor Shozo Tobimatsu, has shown that the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is atypical […].