List of articles for the elderly

Conservative safety-conscious behavior may reduce flexibility of movement, discovered by Tokyo Metropolitan University

 In general, elderly people tend to raise their feet higher than necessary when stepping over steps to reduce the risk of tripping and falling. Tokyo Metropolitan University […]

Nagoya Institute of Technology predicts that number of people transported to hospitals with heat stroke in three major metropolitan areas will double in 2040

 Professor Akimasa Hirata and Associate Professor Sachiko Kodera of the Nagoya Institute of Technology Graduate School of Engineering, graduate students Haruhiro Ueda and Tatsuya Matsuura, and research staff of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology […]

Death risk for elderly people is lowest for home ownership, followed by public rental housing

 Associate Professor Masamichi Hanasato of Chiba University Preventive Medicine Center and Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Chie Koga of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo, said that approximately 4 elderly people […]

Survival period for elderly patients with aspiration pneumonia is approximately 1 year after discharge from hospital, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine

 Dr. Yuki Honda (graduate student) of Hamamatsu University School of Medicine and colleagues collaborated with Seirei Hamamatsu Hospital to investigate the survival period after discharge of elderly patients admitted to the hospital with aspiration pneumonia […]

Waseda University and others reveal the optimal energy intake according to the number of steps taken by elderly people

 A research group from Waseda University, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition, Biwako Seikei Sports University, and Kyoto University of Advanced Science has investigated the steps taken by elderly people […]

University of Tsukuba investigates symptoms of pain in non-cancer elderly living at home: difficulty in moving the body, sluggishness, and loss of appetite

 A research group led by Atsushi Hamano, a lecturer at the University of Tsukuba's School of Medicine, conducted a survey of non-cancer elderly people receiving home-visit medical care at home. Difficulty moving the body, feeling sluggish […]

Analysis of the relationship between the issuance of an emergency declaration in the new corona and the amount of physical activity in the elderly, Nagasaki University, etc.

 A joint research group of Nagasaki University, Tohoku University, and the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology has declared a state of emergency due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection […]

The protein ratio of the healthiest diet is 25-35%.

 A joint research team consisting of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Waseda University, The University of Tokyo, and Nichirei Foods Co., Ltd. is working on health […]

“VR Travel” Improves Cognitive and Physical Functions of the Elderly A paper by the University of Tokyo and SOYOKAZE received a special award at an international conference

 Specially Appointed Professor Atsushi Hiyama of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo, has developed a nursing care business for the elderly under the Soyokaze brand nationwide […]

Exercise habits in junior and senior high school and old age, reduction of sarcopenia risk

Postdoctoral researcher Hiroki Tabata, Senior Associate Professor Yoshifumi Tamura, Specially Appointed Professor Ryuzo Kawamori, Professor Hirotaka Watada of the Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Sportology Center […]
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