List of articles in the principal roundtable discussion

Roundtable discussion between the President of Kyoto University and the principal of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Preparatory School Ver.II 3rd (9th in total)

This is the 2009th roundtable discussion that started on November 11, 19.During this time, discussions on university entrance examination reforms have accelerated, starting with autumn admission […]

Kyoto University President and Tokyo Metropolitan Area Preparatory School Principal Roundtable Ver.II 2nd (8 times in total)

As the discussion on the trinity reform, which is the reform of university and high school education and the reform of university entrance exams, deepens, the president of Kyoto University and the metropolitan area advance […]

Roundtable discussion between the President of Kyoto University and the principal of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Preparatory School 2nd

In response to the last question of President Yamagoku in the previous issue, the reform of university entrance exams, the reform of education at high schools and universities, […]

Roundtable discussion between the president of Kyoto University and the principal of a preparatory school in the Tokyo metropolitan area

As the discussion on the trinity reform, which is the reform of university and high school education and the reform of university entrance exams, deepens, the president of Kyoto University and the metropolitan area advance […]