ADHD article list

University of Fukui succeeds in elucidating the characteristics of ADHD brain structure by artificial intelligence

 Professor Akemi Tomoda and Professor Jung Min-young of the University of Fukui Children's Mental Development Research Center have announced that the brains of children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) […]

High-sensitivity prediction method for ADHD child diagnosis won the Excellent Presentation Award, Kumamoto University and others at the Japan Society for Clinical Neurophysiology Academic Conference

 A research group led by Associate Professor Akira Yasumura of Kumamoto University presented a research presentation on a method for predicting the diagnosis of children with ADHD with high sensitivity.

World's first successful visualization of "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" with and without ASD, Jichi Medical University, etc.

 Collaborative research groups such as Jichi Medical University have combined ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), which is a pediatric neurodevelopmental disorder, with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) […].

Establishing the basis of objective diagnostic method for ADHD at Jichi Medical University

 A collaborative research group consisting of Professor Takanori Yamagata of the Department of Pediatrics, Jichi Medical University and Professor Ippeita Dan of the Department of Comprehensive Human Science and Engineering, Chuo University has teamed up with an image of brain function using light […].
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