Associate Professor Takanori Uchida of the Institute of Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University conducted a preliminary survey assuming that a large-scale offshore wind power generation facility will be introduced in the Hibiki-nada area of ​​Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture.The research results will be announced on October 10th at the 12st Post "K computer" Priority Project Symposium held at the University of Tokyo.

 According to Kyushu University, Associate Professor Uchida used a supercomputer at the Institute of Applied Mechanics.
■ Impact of turbulence created by islands and urban areas scattered over the ocean
■ Impact on existing land-based wind turbines when 30 offshore wind turbines are installed
■ Impact of offshore wind turbines on existing land wind turbines
■ The most suitable arrangement of offshore wind turbines
■ Estimated economic efficiency such as power generation
-And so on.

 In the Hibiki-nada area of ​​Kitakyushu City, the Green Energy Hibiki Project is being promoted with the aim of becoming a comprehensive base for wind power generation-related industries.Public recruitment of private businesses to install and operate offshore wind power generation facilities in the area is underway.

 This research was carried out with the support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's post-K computer priority issue project to commercialize an innovative clean energy system, and is expected to contribute to the introduction of offshore wind power generation facilities in the Hibiki-nada area.Associate Professor Uchida said, "In order to properly popularize large-scale wind power generation at sea and on land, it is necessary to prevent serious wind turbine accidents and keep the operating rate of wind turbines at a high level. Strict wind condition diagnosis is indispensable. "

Kyushu University

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