Lecturer Takahiro Kato of Kyushu University Hospital, Professor Emeritus Shigenobu Kanba, and Associate Professor Aranteo of Oregon Health & Science University in the United States have developed a new diagnostic evaluation standard for morbid withdrawal that is internationally accepted.It is expected that this standard will contribute to grasping the actual situation by being used in epidemiological surveys to grasp social isolation.

 According to Kyushu University, the new standard stipulates that withdrawal is premised on morbid social avoidance or social isolation, staying at home and in physical isolation.In addition, he stipulated that he or she or his family should be withdrawn if he or she has a dysfunction or is suffering from such a situation. If the condition continues for 6 months or more, it is called "pathological withdrawal", and if it is 3 months or more and less than 6 months, it is called "pre-withdrawal".

 The frequency of going out was classified as mild when it was about 3 to 1 days a week, moderate when it was 1 day or less a week, and severe when it was XNUMX day or less a week and hardly left the room.Although it is not an essential item for judgment, it is also important to evaluate the presence or absence of loneliness, lack of interpersonal interaction, and the presence or absence of comorbidities.

 It is said that hikikomori is increasing not only in Japan but also worldwide, and since reports have been issued in many countries, it was required to set standards that are internationally accepted.

Paper information:[World Psychiatry] Defining pathological social withdrawal: proposed diagnostic criteria for hikikomori

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