The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is implementing various study abroad programs to cooperate in human resource development in Southeast Asia, Africa and other countries. Under the Human Resources Development Scholarship Program (JDS), more than 15 students from a total of 3,700 countries have studied abroad in Japanese master's programs. In 2016, about 2014 international students who came to Japan in 220 received a master's degree.

 JICA will provide 5 African youths with opportunities for Japanese university education and internships at Japanese companies in five years. We are implementing various study abroad programs such as the "Bridge to the Future / Core Human Resources Development Project" that accepts up to 1,000 people to Japanese graduate schools in 11 years.

 The "Human Resources Development Scholarship Plan (JDS)" is a project to accept international students with grant-in-aid for aid, which was newly established in 10 under the government's "Plan for Accepting 1999 International Students", and is expected to become a leader in the future. We accept excellent young government officials as international students at Japanese graduate schools.Initially, the target countries were Uzbekistan and Laos, but now it has expanded to 2 countries with the addition of Tajikistan, Sri Lanka, Ghana and Nepal.

 At this JDS, Filipino Buske J. Beatmas for Hapitan, who came to Japan in 2014 and returned to Japan in 2016, will serve as the leader of the regional development policy team at the National Economic and Development Authority in the Philippines to deepen public policy. Apply for JDS.While studying abroad at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies and working on research, he actively engaged in interaction with Japanese society and people as the vice chairman of the International Student Group. "JDS has a detailed support system in place from the time of application. I had the impression that I was very welcomed to come to Japan."

 Since 2016, JICA has begun recruiting doctoral students from five countries, including Laos and Myanmar, for those who have completed the JDS master's program. In the spring of 5, 2017 people from 5 countries will resume research in Japan.

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