Kyoto University / Humanities Future Form Transmission Unit will hold Season 3 of the special lecture series “Kyoto University Online Public Lecture“ Stop and Think ”” in real time, interactive, and free on YouTube in August 2021. It will be held from Saturday, 8th.

 As the third installment of the Kyoto University online public lecture with the common theme of corona pandemic, vaccination with the new coronavirus is gradually spreading, and we are looking at the restart of the after-corona society. Held to provide "coordinate axes" for thinking.In addition to lectures on philosophy, sociology, ethics, aesthetics, etc., lectures on a wider range of genres such as tourism theory and gender theory will be added to discuss the world with an eye on after-corona from various perspectives. ..

 In addition to regular lessons in which one instructor gives lectures on each specialized field, special dialogues are also held in which two experts from different fields deepen one theme from their respective perspectives.As the first step, Mr. Nagahiro Minato, the president of Kyoto University, and Mr. Yasuo Deguchi, a professor of the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University, will be on stage to talk about "Corona's medicine and old age medicine" on Saturday, August 1th.

 The "Kyoto University Online Lecture" Stop and Think "" series is distributed on YouTube, and anyone can participate for free without applying.Since you can watch the archive, anyone can take university classes regardless of age or environment.In addition, by writing questions and comments in the chat column of YouTube live, "private language" is shared with all the students, and all the participants make a lesson while compensating for each other's questions.

 The lectures so far have become a hot topic in the media and SNS, and the cumulative number of views has approached 1 in the one year since the event was held, which is an unusual number of views for university lecture videos.In addition, there were more than 52 tweets during the lecture period, and many people received the joy of watching high-quality lectures for free and the learning and impressions of listening to the lectures.

 「京都大学オンライン公開講義 “立ち止まって、考える”」シーズン3は、2021年8月14日(土)~9月25日(土)の期間、毎週土・日、各日2回各1時間(11:00~12:00、14:00~15:00)開講。時間割詳細はwebサイト参照のこと。

Reference: [Kyoto University Future Tense Transmission Unit] [Online Open Lecture] "Stop and Think" Season 3

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