The University of Yamanashi Hospital has developed a new system that centrally manages patient information for new coronavirus infections.Medical staff can share information and respond without interruption from accommodation treatment to care after leaving the hospital.

 According to the University of Yamanashi, the name of the new system is "SHINGEN (Smart Health INformation Gathering & Evaluation Network)".When the patient himself inputs data from a smartphone, etc., the information is shared with the University of Yamanashi, which is available 24 hours a day, the medical association, and the corona outpatient department of the priority medical institution, and promptly arranges remote medical care, consultation instructions, transportation, etc. Can be done.Not only can the efficiency of patient symptom management and the quality of health observation be improved, but by continuing to manage the health condition with the system even after leaving the hospital, it is possible to respond immediately even if the condition changes.

 The University of Yamanashi Hospital has introduced "SHINGEN" to two "medical-enhanced accommodation treatment facilities" where doctors and nurses are stationed 24 hours a day to care for patients with new coronavirus infections.Not only resident doctors and nurses, but also doctors at the Faculty of Medicine Hospital collectively manage and share information on PCs and smartphones.

reference:[University of Yamanashi] Developed "SHINGEN (Smart Health INformation Gathering & Evaluation Network)", a system that unifies patient information

Yamanashi University

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The roots of Yamanashi University are in the "Kitenkan", a school of the Edo Shogunate, which was established in 1796. Inheriting the tradition of "knowledge" for more than 200 years, we provide society with a place of learning that will satisfy each and every one of us.With abundant humanity and ethics, with a wide range of knowledge and deep expertise, next-generation researchers and each […]

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