Waseda University Data Science Research Institute and Sophia University Faculty of Science and Technology Yamashita Laboratory, in collaboration with ZOZO Technologies Co., Ltd.'s research and development organization "ZOZO Research Institute", started "Acquisition of consumer intelligence based on machine learning and business" from April 2021. Started research on "application".In this research, we aim to develop machine learning technology by utilizing the data accumulated in the ZOZO group and apply it to various services operated by the ZOZO group.

 In recent years, technologies in the AI ​​field, including machine learning, have been attracting attention.In business, it is important not only to research and announce new technologies, but also to repeat research based on existing technologies and data and aim for practical applications that lead to specific services.Against this background, ZOZO Technologies, which established the research and development organization "ZOZO Research Institute" in 2018 and has focused on research and development of machine learning technology, and Waseda, who has many achievements in practical applied research of machine learning. The University Data Science Research Institute and the Yamashita Laboratory of Sophia University have started joint research.

 In this joint research, we will utilize the consumption intelligence obtained from the developed machine learning technology to formulate new marketing measures, etc., and work to improve the quality of each service operated by the ZOZO Group.In addition, "development of technology to visualize the grounds and reasons for decision-making by AI" will be carried out.With this development, it will be possible to formulate personalized measures for each user, and even if an error or defect occurs related to the service, it will be possible to identify the cause and consider improvement measures. A big business impact is expected.

reference:[Waseda University] ZOZO Technologies, Waseda University, Sophia University start joint research in the field of practical application of machine learning

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