Tohoku University will establish the world's first research organization "Smart Aging Interdisciplinary Priority Research Center" on April 2017, 4, aiming to establish ultra-early secondary prevention and primary prevention of dementia.

 Japan is the most aging super-aging society among developed countries (aging rate 27.3%, as of September 2016), and the dementia population is estimated to be more than 9 million at present, including the dementia reserve army. There is.The economic loss due to dementia is estimated to amount to 800 trillion yen annually, including medical expenses and long-term care expenses, and it is said that the social needs for dementia prevention measures are extremely large.In such a super-aging society, "smart aging = each person will continue to grow as a healthy and human being and become smarter over time, and a wiser and more sustainable structure for society as a whole. It is required to "evolve into", and it is necessary to promote research toward its realization.

 Therefore, Tohoku University will establish the world's first interdisciplinary research center "Smart Aging Interdisciplinary Priority Research Center" in collaboration with researchers in Japan and overseas to take on the challenge of realizing smart aging.In addition, through "Tohoku University Smart Aging College Tokyo" operated by Tohoku University and participated by 52 companies from different industries such as Kao Co., Ltd. and KDDI Co., Ltd., the research results will be returned to companies and dementia through industry-academia collaboration. We will promote the development of products and services to realize a zero society and the development of necessary human resources.

Tohoku University

Create excellent research results that will be the source of innovation, and develop talented human resources who will lead the next generation

Tohoku University has a rich culture and humanity based on the tradition of "research first principle" since its opening, the idea of ​​"opening the door" and the spirit of "respect for practical science", and is a phenomenon of human beings, society and nature. In response to this, human resources with the ability to carry out intellectual exploration with a "scientific mind", demonstrating their expertise in various fields from an international perspective and leading […]

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