The joint research group of the National Institute of Informatics Big Data Mathematics International Research Center and the Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University is most efficient for each other to behave differently between males and females when exploration time is limited. I discovered that I could meet them by a simulation that imitated the evolution of living things.

 One of the most important processes in reproduction is the encounter between males and females, and so far animals have undergone various evolutions to improve the efficiency of encounters, such as sexual dimorphism and sex pheromones.This time, the joint group of the National Institute of Informatics and Kyoto University focused on the "movement (searching behavior)" that is indispensable for meeting each other.

 The group constructed a theoretical model that assumed the situation where both sides had to search and meet each other for the previous research that considered the benefit of only one searcher, and measured the search efficiency.As a result, it is clear that "when the time limit is short, the pair who moves linearly with each other gets the maximum efficiency" and "when the time limit is long, the pair who changes direction frequently gets the maximum efficiency". I made it.

 Interestingly, when the time limit is intermediate, males and females do different movements, such as "male turns frequently" and "female linear", instead of making the same movement in the middle. It was found that the efficiency of encounters can be optimized by doing.This theory can be applied to optimize any one-to-one encounter.

Journal of the Royal Society Interface: Optimizing mating encounters by sexually dimorphic movements

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