Komazawa University, in collaboration with Kadokawa Dwango Gakuen N High School (N High School) and S High School (S High School), has created a "Virtual Open Campus Komazawa University" where you can experience the university's open campus at any time in a virtual space. Started for high school students.

 "Virtual Open Campus Komazawa University" can experience the life of Komazawa University students and the campus of Komazawa University by using the VR head-mounted display "Meta Quest 2".Specifically, we used a virtual experience of "Student's Day" focusing on one Komazawa University student, a "Zazen" experience in a quiet atmosphere of Zazen-do, and the latest radiation medical equipment in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. Practical education experience and experimental experience of "operant conditioning" with the theme of pigeons in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Letters are prepared as contents.

 Students can also use the application's built-in camera features and their avatars to take and enjoy pictures as if they were on campus.

 On Thursday, April 2022, 4, faculty members of Komazawa University used the "Virtual Open Campus Komazawa University" to hold an online mini-open campus for N and S high school students.The students who participated said, "It was good to be able to virtually participate in the open campus where I had to actually go to university" and "I was able to experience the atmosphere of the actual campus building."

 With "Meta Quest 2", you can easily participate in the virtual open campus anytime, anywhere, which will help N and S high school students nationwide to consider where to go to school.The aim is to make students realize that going on to university is one of the options for the future, even though there are situations in which students are not able to choose their career paths as they wish, such as being unable to participate in the open campus due to Korona-ka.

 Currently, in addition to Komazawa University, Chuo University and Kinki University can also use the virtual open campus with the learning app "N Preparatory School".You can also visit the virtual school buildings at N High Okinawa Ikei Main School and S High Ibaraki Tsukuba Main School.

Reference: [Komazawa University] Started "Virtual Open Campus Komazawa University" in collaboration with N / S High School and Komazawa University-Supporting career selection of N / S high school students in Corona


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