Mitsubishi Corporation has decided to donate 6 million yen to a startup support program that utilizes the research results of Kyoto University.We will commercialize the research results and technological capabilities of Kyoto University in a wide range of fields and support the solution of social issues.

 According to Mitsubishi Corporation, the startup support program is the "Kyoto University-Mitsubishi Corporation Startup Catapult."The Headquarters for Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration at Kyoto University will take the lead and will be implemented from 2023 to 2027.Mitsubishi Corporation will donate 6 million yen to Kyoto University as program operating expenses, which will be used to support researchers and commercialization partners who aim to commercialize the research results of Kyoto University.Projects eligible for support will be decided after soliciting proposals at Kyoto University and reviewing them.

 As social issues become more diverse and complex, such as the progress of global warming and the global spread of COVID-XNUMX, there is an increasing need to commercialize the research results and development technologies of universities to solve issues.

 In its medium-term management strategy, Mitsubishi Corporation has set "Creating the future through the creation of new industries and regional revitalization" as a pillar of its growth strategy.We decided to donate because we believe that an increase in the number of businesses that use university research results will not only help solve social issues, but also improve Japan's technological capabilities and industrial competitiveness, and revitalize local economies.

reference:[Mitsubishi Corporation] Contribution to Kyoto University's Entrepreneurship Support Program

Kyoto University

Foster a free academic style based on the spirit of "self-respect for self-weight" and open up a world of creative learning.

With the motto of self-study, we will continue to maintain a free academic style that is not bound by common sense, and develop human resources who have both creativity and practical ability.We provide an inclusive learning space that allows for diverse and hierarchical choices so that students themselves can choose a solid future through valuable trial and error. […]

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