
 Japan has the sixth-highest dialysis introduction rate in the world, and the number of dialysis patients per million population is 6, the third highest in the world (as of 100).Due to the aging of the population, it is feared that this number will continue to increase in the future.

 Until now, the effects of age (the older the dialysis adoption rate is, the higher the dialysis adoption rate is) and the era (the recent dialysis adoption rate has been flat or declining compared to the past) have been studied for changes in the dialysis adoption rate over time. The influence of (year of birth) has not been examined.Therefore, in this study, we used the age-period-cohort (APC) analysis method, which evaluates the effects of age, era, and generation separately, to examine changes in the rate of dialysis introduction among the general population of Japan over a 40-year period. examined.

 As a result, even after adjusting for the effects of age and era, the dialysis introduction rate was higher among those born in the early 1900s than among those born in the later years, and peaked in the 1940s and 60s for males and the 1930s and 40s for females. was.After that, a downward trend was observed.For example, people born in the early 1900s are more likely to adopt dialysis than people born in the early 1930s, even in the same age group. , the dialysis introduction rate tended to be low even in the same age group.

 Males born in 1967-71 and females born in 1937-41 showed the highest rate of dialysis adoption.It is not clear why the dialysis introduction rate is high among these generations, but it is a notable first finding that men born between 1967 and 71 showed a particularly high dialysis introduction rate.People born in these ages will be 2023-52 years old in 56 and will be in the prime of their lives.

Paper information:[Clinical and Experimental Nephrology] Birth cohort effects in incident renal replacement therapy in Japan, 1982-2021

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