Waseda University will implement entrance examination reforms for all universities and faculties from the entrance examination for students enrolled in 2021 (currently from the first year of high school).This time, we have released a sample question of the School of Political Science and Economics original examination.

 Waseda University, which has formulated the medium- to long-term plan "Waseda Vision 150" with an eye on 2032, which is celebrating its 150th anniversary, is promoting the reform of education and research in order to develop human resources who can play an active role as leaders in the global society.As part of this reform, we will implement entrance examination reforms for all universities and faculties from the current entrance examination in 1 after the first year of high school.

 Prior to this, a sample question and a sample answer sheet for the original examination of the Faculty of Political Science and Economics were released.The Faculty of Political Science and Economics will change to a method of selecting by the total score of the common test for university admission, the English external examination, and the faculty's own examination in the general entrance examination from 2021.The breakdown is 100 points for the common test for university admission, 100 points for the English external examination and 200 points for the undergraduate original examination, which are common to the Department of Political Science, Economics, and International Politics and Economics, for a total of 3 points.The percentage of points assigned to the English external certification test will be about 15% (about 450% of the total).The number of applicants will be changed from 300 to 100 (140 in the Department of Political Science, 60 in the Department of Economics, XNUMX in the Department of International Politics and Economics).

 The School of Political Science and Economics' original examination is conducted in 1 minutes for only one subject.Descriptive answers are included in the format of reading and answering long sentences in both Japanese and English.The sample released this time was created to image the general entrance examination after 90, and details can be viewed on the website of the Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University.

Reference: [Waseda University] About the entrance examination reform to be implemented from the entrance examination for students enrolled in 2021 (Sample questions of the undergraduate original examination have been released)

Waseda University

Reform with the aim of "WASEDA shining in the world" with research, education, and contribution as the three pillars

Waseda University has created an unparalleled environment in which all students can hone their ability to take on unanswered issues based on the three founding principles of "independence of academics, utilization of academics, and creation of model people."Aiming to be a world-class university with unwavering international competitiveness, "WASEDA that shines in the world," "Waseda for research" and "[…] for education.

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