Recruit Co., Ltd. has compiled a survey on the work attitudes of Generation Z (26 years old and under).This survey mainly utilizes survey data from 2022, and Generation Z includes students and working adults under the age of 26.
Nowadays, changing jobs has become common among young people. The number of job changes among Generation Z (26 years old and under) is about twice as high as five years ago, and the gap with the whole has widened since 5, and this movement is different from the career view of "lifelong employment". (Trends in recruitment agents deciding to change jobs)In addition, Generation Z seeks skills that can be used in any company, and tends to seek a career as a ``generalist'', and is characterized by the ideal coexistence of ``taking on new challenges'' and ``an environment where they can prioritize their private lives.'' It can be said.
In the job market, an increasing number of companies are hiring young people based on their potential, even if they do not have specific work experience.Additionally, the number of companies targeting new graduates is increasing, increasing approximately 5 times in five years.Due to structural labor shortages, it is difficult to hire new graduates, and an increasing number of companies are increasing their hiring of new graduates.While opportunities are expanding for young people to choose a career that suits them from an early stage, if companies do not face young people's changing career views amidst diversifying options, this could lead to job separation. The risks are rising.
In this survey, Kaoru Fujii, Recruit HR Editor-in-Chief, particularly focused on the seeming tendency of Generation Z to ``seek skills that can be used in any company'' and ``seek a career as a generalist (rather than a specialist).'' , contradictory career aspirations.The ``generalist orientation'' of Generation Z, which seeks opportunities for ``new challenges'' that allow them to acquire employability (ability to be employed) without assuming lifelong employment, includes ``wanting to have multiple specialist experiences'' and ``wanting to change quickly.'' I feel that a high-level career orientation, such as "I want to respond to a fast-paced society," is hidden in plain sight.
Mr. Fujii points out that the currently popular ``job-based personnel system'' may be at risk of being misunderstood or avoided as a narrow career path.Companies aiming to encourage and retain young human resources need to listen to the voices of the new generation of young people who are ``generalist-oriented'' when creating workplaces.
reference:[Recruit Co., Ltd.] Work awareness and job change trends of Generation Z (26 years old and under)