A research group led by Visiting Researcher Takushi Kawamura and Associate Professor Kumpei Yazawa of Waseda University found that the contribution rate of cardiopulmonary fitness to biological aging is relatively low compared to lifestyle-related variables such as smoking, but that cardiopulmonary fitness found that maintenance is associated with delayed biological aging in older men.

 So far, European and American research groups have attempted to clarify whether physical activity can delay biological aging itself.However, physical activity and physical fitness are different concepts, and physical fitness is obtained as a result of planned and regular physical activity.Therefore, we conducted a study using cardiopulmonary fitness as the main measurement item, which is thought to reflect individual physical functions more strongly than the amount of physical activity.

 The research group investigated the relationship between cardiopulmonary fitness, lifestyle habits, and biological aging based on the DNA methylation aging clock* in 65 elderly men aged 72-144 years.As a result, maintenance of appropriate body composition, adequate intake of carbohydrates and micronutrients, and a morning lifestyle were associated with delayed biological aging.On the other hand, excessive accumulation of visceral fat, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and dyslipidemia were associated with the progression of biological aging.Moreover, although the contribution rate of cardiopulmonary fitness to biological aging is relatively low compared to lifestyle habits such as smoking, it was clarified that the maintenance of cardiopulmonary fitness is associated with the delay of biological aging.

 In this study, we identified a variety of lifestyle-related variables that are associated not only with cardiopulmonary fitness, but also with the delay of biological aging.It will be an important clue for future research aimed at delaying aging, and it is expected to establish a specific exercise prescription for biologically delaying aging.In order to establish the causal relationship between cardiopulmonary fitness and biological aging, we plan to conduct longitudinal studies and exercise training intervention studies in the future.

*A biomarker for estimating chronological age and biological age by measuring DNA methylation levels associated with aging

Paper information:[Aging Cell] Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and lifestyle-related factors with DNA methylation-based aging clocks in older men: WASEDA'S Health Study

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