A research group led by Professor Nobuhiro Takahashi, Associate Professor Junpei Washio, and Assistant Professor Yuki Yasuhiko of the Department of Oral Biochemistry, Graduate School of Dentistry, Tohoku University, in collaboration with Sichuan University Hua School of Stomatology, has discovered that the combination of catechins and fluoride is effective against caries-causing bacteria. It has been shown that this method effectively suppresses acid production caused by

 Dental caries, a worldwide oral health problem, progresses as teeth dissolve (demineralize) due to acids produced and excreted by microorganisms (bacteria) in the oral cavity.In contrast, fluoride, which is widely used to prevent cavities, is known to not only repair and strengthen the tooth surface, but also suppress the production of acids by microorganisms.

 Meanwhile, the group previously revealed that catechins at concentrations similar to those found in green tea inhibit the growth of cavity-causing bacteria and acid production in the oral cavity.Therefore, in this study, we investigated whether the combined use of catechin and fluoride would improve the effectiveness of suppressing acid production.

 First, among multiple green tea-derived catechins, a molecular docking simulation revealed that galoylated catechins efficiently inhibit sugar uptake and acid production by caries-related bacteria, a typical cavity-causing bacterium. Confirmed in Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans).They also found that combining catechin with fluoride more effectively inhibited acid production by S. mutans.It was also found that this effect is significantly enhanced in acidic environments, where tooth demineralization (i.e., dental caries) is particularly likely to occur.

 The mechanism of action of the synergistic effect of catechin and fluoride is that catechin inactivates the fluoride ion excretion channel present in the bacterial cell membrane and causes intracellular accumulation of fluoride ions, which synergistically enhances the inhibition of acid production. I'm assuming.

 This result may contribute to the development of new dental caries prevention methods using catechins and fluoride.In the future, we will confirm the effect in the actual oral cavity, confirm the effect on oral microorganisms other than S. mutans, and consider the optimal combination ratio and supply format of catechin and fluoride (e.g., mouthwash, toothpaste). etc. are necessary.

Paper information:[Caries Research] Green tea-derived catechins suppress the acid productions ofStreptococcus mutans and enhance the efficiency of fluoride

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