Kobe Jogakuin University held a Christmas service for the first time in four years at Kobe Jogakuin University in Okadayama, Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, inviting the general public to attend. Given that it was a year filled with heart-wrenching news such as wars and disasters around the world, the church service, which was open to the media for the first time, prayed for world peace and peace for people.

 According to Kobe Jogakuin, the service begins with a candlelight service where lights are solemnly passed on the stage while a pipe organ preludes. Following a chorus accompanied by the Kobe University School of Music Orchestra and a soloist singing, Kobe University Chairman and Director Iiken offered a Christmas message and prayer for peace, and lit the Christ Candle.

 Chairman Ii said, ``In these times when disasters, conflicts, etc. often hurt our hearts, and we often feel fear and confusion, we hope that together we can confirm the message of the Bible that we should support each other.'' A 92-year-old woman commented, ``I participated for the first time in four years and was moved by the students.I'm looking forward to participating next year.''

reference:[University Press Center] For the first time in four years, Kobe Jogakuin invites the general public to a Christmas service and shares a prayer for world peace - the first time in its nearly 4-year history that the service has been made public to the media.

Kobe Jogakuin University

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