At the government's Council for Science, Technology and Innovation held at the Prime Minister's Office, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will increase the evaluation frame for operating expenses of national universities to 2019 billion yen from FY1,000, which will be allocated in a gradual manner according to the progress of university reform. At the same time, he clarified the policy of encouraging the full introduction of the annual salary system for national university faculty members.

 According to the Cabinet Office, national university operating grants will increase the amount of sloping allocation by evaluation to 10% of the total.With the aim of further accelerating university reforms and fostering human resources who can survive international competition, we will review the overall distribution of grants from 2022 onwards.

 In October, a subcommittee of the Finance System Council of the Ministry of Finance proposed to increase the evaluation quota based on objective indicators from the previous 10 billion yen to 300 billion yen. However, there were voices on the university side that were worried that the underlying budget would be affected by the short-term evaluation, and the Japan Association of National Universities expressed dissenting opinions.

 The annual salary system has reached the target of 1 in 2016, but it is expected to reach a plateau in the future due to financial constraints.For this reason, we will formulate guidelines for a salary system based on strict performance evaluation, which is the basis of the annual salary system, and aim for a more effective system.

 In addition, the integration of national university corporations will allow one corporation to manage multiple universities, and the policy of separating unpopular faculties and concentrating management resources on faculties with strengths was also shown.

reference:[Cabinet Office] Comprehensive Science, Technology and Innovation Conference (41th) Depends on the proceedings

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