Takashi Miyaji, a 4th year student at Akita University School of Medicine, won the grand prize in the 2018 Japan Student Services Organization Outstanding Student Award "Social Contribution Field".

 The Japan Student Services Organization's Award for Outstanding Students is given to students who have made outstanding achievements despite difficulties in studying due to financial reasons, and contributes to the development of promising human resources who will lead the 21st century. It has been implemented since 2005 for the purpose of.Grand Prizes, Excellence Awards, and Encouragement Awards will be given to each of the six fields of academics, culture / arts, sports, social contribution, industrial innovation ventures, and international exchange.

 Mr. Miyaji won the grand prize by opening a mobile clinic in a non-medical village in the Republic of Zambia for overseas activities and delivering medical care to 9,500 villagers. At the same time, in Japan, Zambia mainly sells Zambian-style okonomiyaki. It was praised for raising funds for the construction of clinics by adding value to the culture of Zambia.

 At the award ceremony, Mr. Miyaji said, "Including fund raising with the cooperation of the Akita University Circle and the International Federation of Medical Students' Federation, trial and error in making okonomiyaki, families who thought about recipes, etc., my activities were established with great support from the surroundings. I am grateful that I am grateful that I will return to Zambia next year to collect the remaining project costs locally and make an effort to support medical support in Zambia. "

reference:[Japan Student Services Organization] Award for Outstanding Students
[Akita University] Akita University School of Medicine student, Japan Student Services Organization Excellent Student Award "Social Contribution Field" won the grand prize

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