On April 2024, 4 (Sunday), Kadokawa Dwango Gakuen Educational Corporation will hold the "7 N Junior High School, N High School, S High School AI Entrance Ceremony ~10,000 Ways, Your Own Entrance Ceremony~" on the Internet. to hold. It will be streamed live to approximately 2024 students (total of N/S high and N junior high schools) scheduled to enroll in 10,000, as well as their parents.

 Every year since 2016, N/S High School has held a ``state-of-the-art entrance ceremony'' using VR equipment. In 2024, we will hold an "AI Entrance Ceremony" where each new student will receive customized content. When new students enter their information on a special website exclusively for new students while watching the live streaming of the entrance ceremony, they will receive personalized speeches tailored to their past efforts and aspirations after entering the school, as well as messages based on their interests. Welcome messages will be sent from current students, alumni, faculty, staff, and extracurricular organizations.

 In addition, we held a generative AI workshop for current students who are interested in AI in advance, and used generative AI to create the opening video that was played during the opening ceremony for new students. In addition, we created the part-time introduction VTR, the introduction of annual events and extracurricular activities, and the end credits that will be broadcast during the ceremony, edited the videos such as adding captions for the congratulatory message, and performed the school song performance at S High School Ibaraki Tsukuba Main School. Current students also planned the filming and took drone shots, and many current students utilized their own skills to prepare content to welcome new students.

 On the day, the main MC was Nippon Broadcasting announcer Naoki Yoshida, the assistant was N/S High School Student Council 2nd term student council president Ishida Danto, and Professor Yutaka Matsuo of the University of Tokyo, a leading expert in AI research. A congratulatory message (video) will be released.
 For the on-campus course, a welcome ceremony for new students will be held on April 69th ​​(Tuesday) at each of the 4 campuses nationwide.


Reference: [Kadokawa Dwango Gakuen Educational Corporation] Approximately 10,000 new students will be admitted to N High School, S High School, and N Junior High School in 4. The "AI Entrance Ceremony" will be live-streamed from 7:17 p.m. on Sunday, April XNUMXth.

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