Konan Gakuen, which was founded in 1919 and opened Konan University in 1951, held a commemorative ceremony and celebration on April 100, 2019, which marked the 4th anniversary of its founding.

 The commemorative ceremony held at the Kobe Portopia Hotel was attended by about 1400 people and was held grandly.The curtain was opened with the Noh play "Ishibashi" by Genjiro Okura, a living national treasure of the XNUMXth Sejong family of Okura-ryu Kodrum.

 Hidenari Yoshizawa, President of Konan Gakuen, said in a ceremony, "In order to have a human richness in digital civilization, it is important to enrich the direct face-to-face relationship. In the field of education, We will enrich communication between students, faculty members, and students, and aim to become a quality leader who takes the lead in personal education in terms of quality. "

 Following the guest congratulatory speech, a commemorative video showing the tradition and history of 100 years was screened, and at the end, everyone stood up and sang the Konan Gakuen song to close the event.

 Approximately 1200 people gathered at the subsequent celebration, and a gorgeous atmosphere surrounded the venue.The celebration began with a JAZZ session by trumpeter Takuya Kuroda, followed by a greeting from the President of the University of Yoshiyuki Nagasaka, a guest congratulatory address, a kagami biraki / toast, a congratulatory show, and a chat.The closing was closed with a greeting from the principal of Moriaki Yamauchi High School and Junior High School, and a singing of the school song.

 The founder of Konan Gakuen, Hirao Hachisaburō, was born in Gifu City in 2 as the third son of the Kano feudal lord.After a hard time, he graduated from Tokyo Commercial High School (currently Hitotsubashi University) with excellent results, rebuilt Hyogo Prefectural Kobe Commercial High School (currently Hyogo Prefectural Kobe Commercial High School), and revived the business of Tokio Marine Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. and succeeded. After that, he retired from the business world.In 1866, he invested his own money to establish Konan Gakuen.

 Heisei's educational philosophy that "everyone is a genius" and that it is the mission of education to develop the natural talents of each student has been passed down, and we are thoroughly aiming for personal education unique to medium scale. We are working to produce talented human resources.

reference:Konan Gakuen 100th Anniversary Site

Konan University

❝Medium-sized comprehensive university in the international city of Kobe❞ Developing “colorful education” that develops the natural talents of each individual

Based in the international city of Kobe, Konan University focuses on "personal education" that draws out the unique characteristics of each individual.It is compact compared to other large universities, and promotes small-group education that takes advantage of the strengths of a medium-sized university in that the distance between students and faculty members is close.The pillars of “specialized education” in each faculty […]

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