A research group led by Nobuaki Kono, a specially appointed lecturer at Keio University, collaborated with a team of Spiber Inc. to determine the genome of Araneus spider, and for the first time in the world, revealed the whole picture of various spider silk proteins and related genes. Succeeded in phylogenetic analysis of thread genes.

 Spiders use about 7 types of threads according to the scene.Since all of them are made of different proteins, in order to use artificially synthesized spider silk in the industrial and industrial fields, it is necessary to use different proteins according to the purpose.However, since the gene sequence encoding the thread protein was so complicated that it could not be determined by the conventional method, the thread gene catalog required for artificial synthesis was not prepared and its diversity could not be utilized.

 Araneus spider (Orb-weaver spider) is a member of the spider that stretches a circular net, and uses threads with different strengths and stretchability when hanging itself, moving, wrapping eggs, catching food, and so on.In addition, spiders generally have a larger genome size than humans.Since the amount of genomic information is enormous, we have newly developed a genome sequence and gene search technology to try to search for complex thread genes of Araneus spider.As a result, we obtained a large amount of highly accurate long-chain DNA sequence information and finally succeeded in determining the genome.

 In addition, the sequence of the thread gene has a very high repeat structure (a structure in which the same sequence appears many times).Therefore, by combining the latest sequencing technology and our own analysis algorithm, we completed the creation of a catalog of 7 types of thread genes used to make all 11 types of spider silk for the first time in the world.

 In this research, the existence of a new spider silk gene and a small molecule protein that affects the strength of the yarn was also discovered, and it is expected that it will greatly contribute to the development of artificial spider silk in the future.

Paper information:[Scientific Reports] Orb-weaving spider Araneus ventricosus genome elucidates the spidroin gene catalogue

Keio University

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