While the government has set a common index for education and research in 2020 in the budget formulation after 2020, and has indicated a policy to expand the budget frame to allocate the results of national university operating grants based on this, while the national government The University Association has announced that evaluation should be conducted in 11 fields / areas, and that education should be conducted using "educational courses" and "learning results", and research should be conducted using "research results" and "research environment" as indicators.

 According to the Japan Association of National Universities, the basic direction of the guidelines set by the government in 2020 is basically evaluated on a field / area basis, and each university is requested to make a comprehensive evaluation based on the results.It is also requested that the scale and characteristics of the university be fully considered in the evaluation.

 The evaluation cycle is 6 years for the medium-term target period, but it is desirable to carry out an interim evaluation based on the current situation analysis in the 4th year and utilize the evaluation results for the allocation of the first year of the next medium-term target period.

 Regarding how to utilize the common index in 2020, it was requested to use an index consisting of "curriculum" and "learning results" for education and "research results" and "research environment" for research. ..

 The index of the "curriculum" is the setting of the image of the person to be trained and the ingenuity in the organization of the curriculum. The "research environment" needs items to measure whether the strategy for developing research activities is sufficiently devised, such as how much outstanding research is being produced.

reference:[The Japan Association of National Universities] Regarding the publication of "Utilization of common indicators in the allocation of operating expenses grants in 2020 (organization of ideas)"

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