Saitama Institute of Technology exhibited at "Aya no Kuni Business Arena 2020" held at Saitama Super Arena on January 1th and 29th, 30, and exhibited and demonstrated AI autonomous driving bus experience test rides and autonomous vehicles. ..

 Saitama Institute of Technology has conducted demonstration experiments of self-driving buses all over the country and conducted test rides on public roads.In addition to starting a demonstration experiment of operating an autonomous bus as a school bus connecting the university and the nearest station, we recently cooperated in "movement by tourism-type MaaS on remote islands" in Himakajima, Aichi Prefecture from January 1 to 25. We are making a wide range of efforts such as.

 This time, at the special lecture / test drive event "Latest technology of autonomous driving" held by the Next Generation Vehicle Center Saitama, the theme was "Experimental vehicle of autonomous driving bus that can run on public roads and commercialization / commercialization of autonomous driving". We held a lecture by Professor Daishi Watanabe of the Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering, and a test drive event for self-driving buses.

 At the test drive event held over two days, the AI ​​autonomous driving bus under development by Saitama Institute of Technology traveled on public roads around the venue, Saitama Super Arena.Many visitors visited and experienced the ride quality.At the same time, at the self-driving vehicle exhibition corner of the special exhibition "CASE Next Generation Vehicle", the actual machine of the experimental vehicle SAIKO car (Prius) was exhibited and a demonstration of image analysis by AI was demonstrated.Motohiro Ohno, Governor of Saitama Prefecture, also visited the site and had an interesting tour of autonomous driving technology.

reference:[Saitama Institute of Technology Autonomous Driving Special Site] Saitama Institute of Technology Exhibits at Sai no Kuni Business Arena 2020-Experience Test Drive of AI Autonomous Driving Bus and Exhibiting Autonomous Driving Vehicles-

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