Ryota Takamido, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education and Development Science, Nagoya University, Center for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Associate Professor Keiko Yokoyama and Professor Yuji Yamamoto clarified.Based on previous experience and knowledge, the batter concludes that throwing in a slow form gives the illusion that the ball speed is slow.

 According to Nagoya University, Takamido and his colleagues showed an experienced softball player a video that increased or decreased the pitching motion of a softball pitcher by up to 20%, predicted the speed of the ball to be thrown, and changed to a pitching motion. We asked them to compare the video without the addition and the video with the change, and ask them to answer which ball came faster, and asked them to bat swing according to the ball thrown in the video.

 As a result, it was found that the batter predicts that the faster the pitcher's pitching motion, the faster the ball will come.Furthermore, even if he saw a ball at the same speed, he predicted that a slower ball would come if the previous throwing form was loose.For this reason, even if the bat swings according to the image, there is a tendency that the pitcher's pitching motion is slow and the pitcher is delayed.

 The human brain makes predictions based on past experience and knowledge, even in uncertain situations.Takamido et al. Have the illusion that a slow ball will come when the pitching motion is slow, and as a result, the phenomenon of delaying the swing has occurred.

Paper information:[Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport] Effect of Manipulating Advanced Kinematic Information on Hitting Movement Prediction, Perception, and Action

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