Nanzan University received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award for its campus renovation by the "Raymond Renovation Project" at the "4th Infrastructure Maintenance Awards", which recognizes outstanding efforts and technological development of infrastructure maintenance.

 The Infrastructure Maintenance Award is commended by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and the Ministry of Defense for excellent efforts and technological development related to the maintenance of social capital in Japan.By widely introducing it as a good example, we will promote the efforts of organizations such as installers, researchers, businesses, etc. related to infrastructure maintenance in Japan, revitalize the maintenance industry, and promote the idea of ​​infrastructure maintenance. It is carried out for the purpose of.

 According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, this award was given in recognition of its efforts to re-evaluate Japanese modernist architecture and foster culture in the renovation of the campus, which is an important infrastructure that supports various activities of the university.Nanzan University launched a project named "Raymond Renovation Project" because the entire campus, which was built in 1964, was designed by architect Antonin Raymond. The renovation was carried out to take advantage of the beauty of the building.At the same time, the reason for the award is that it was widely disseminated to students, faculty and staff, and the surrounding area and strengthened socio-cultural activities.

 Nanzan University has inherited the beauty of the historic Raymond architecture to the next era, while renovating the interior and exterior of the existing classroom building to enhance the student living environment and learning environment, making the campus universal, safety and convenience. Since 2017, we have been carrying out exterior maintenance to improve sexuality.The renovation is scheduled to be completed in May 2021.

Reference: [Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] The winners of the 4th Infrastructure Maintenance Awards have been decided!

Nanzan University

Fostering human resources who respect and promote human dignity on an urban campus with abundant internationality

As a co-educational university, it is the only Catholic mission school in western Japan, including the Chubu area, and is a comprehensive university with 8 faculties and 18 departments.We provide a high-quality education and research environment through cross-departmental learning on one campus.An international and vibrant urban campus with many foreign teachers and international students, rich […]

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