According to a national survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, half of the university students' part-time job income decreased from January to February when the state of emergency was announced, and 1% of them were affected by the reduced working hours.Approximately 2% of students are suffering from financial problems, and it is clear that they are suffering from the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

 The survey was conducted by extracting about 60 students from each of the 50 universities and technical colleges nationwide, taking into consideration the size of the number of students, national, public and private universities and colleges of technology, inside and outside the area where the state of emergency was declared.

 According to the report, about 8% of students will work part-time in 2020, and the main uses are entertainment / entertainment expenses, savings, and food expenses in that order.
The most common reason for the decrease in income was 71.7% for short-time sales at part-time jobs.4.5% did not find the desired part-time job, and 2.9% of the students were dismissed from the part-time job.

 The number of students suffering from financial problems reached 40.7% of the total.Of these, 12.4% said they couldn't pay school fees and other school fees, 21.7% said they had difficulty paying their living expenses, and 37.7% said they lacked pocket money to lead a satisfying student life. I have answered.

reference:[Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] Results of surveys on student life of students affected by the new coronavirus infection (PDF)

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