On September 2022, 9 (Wednesday), Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd. will hold the second online seminar on the theme of "university reform using ICT" for faculty members of universities and higher education institutions, and IT department staff. hold.Continuing from the first time, Kagawa University faculty and staff will take the stage and deliver their voices from the field under the title of “Faculty and students gather on the digital campus!

 Kagawa University has been working on university reform and regional revitalization through "DX promotion" with Microsoft Japan.In this seminar, we will look back on the reform path of Kagawa University for faculty and staff who are not yet familiar with DX, or who want to reform the university by working to promote DX at the university.

The event is scheduled to start at 9:28 and end at 18:00 on September 19 (Wednesday).Conduct online.Participation fee is free with advance application.The program for the day is as follows.In addition, the first seminar "Faculty staff and students seriously changed the university! ~ The actual and true intentions of university DX promotion through collaboration between teaching profession and academics" can also be viewed on demand.

Opening session
Ms. Shiori Uemoto, Product Marketing Manager, Education Business Promotion Team, Modern Work & Security Business Division, Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.

Session XNUMX Campus is the whole prefecture -Practical activities of Kagawa University to solve local problems-
Kagawa University is engaged in practical activities to solve various regional issues in order to realize a “student-centered university rooted in the community”.As the place of learning spreads from the campus to the entire Kagawa prefecture, Microsoft Teams is used not only as a means of communication between teachers and students and among students, but also as a means of communication that connects the community and the university.Kagawa University Local Human Resource Co-Creation Center / Lecturer Ryo Kanda will talk about practical activities and future prospects for solving local problems using Microsoft Teams.

Session XNUMX Kagawa University's DX promotion based on Kagawa University's digital ONE strategy
Mr. Norifumi Suehiro, Chief of the Information Planning Division, Information Department, Kagawa University, took the stage.Based on OMO (Online Merges with Offline), in which the real world is included in the digital world, Kagawa University has formulated the DX promotion strategy "Kagawa University Digital ONE Strategy" with the aim of becoming one campus in the digital world.We will explain the background of the introduction and how it is actually used for Microsoft 365, which was introduced to promote the strategy.

Session XNUMX Kagawa University DX Roundtable
A round-table discussion by Mr. Rihito Yaegashi, Director/Professor of Kagawa University Information Media Center, Mr. Ryo Kanda, Mr. Norifumi Suehiro, and Ms. Shiori Uemoto of Microsoft Japan.We will talk frankly about the effects and challenges of initiatives based on the "Digital ONE Strategy" that Kagawa University is working on.

Participation application:[Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.] “University reform using ICT” seminar 2nd: Faculty members and students gather on the digital campus! -Actual and true intentions of Kagawa University's DX promotion through digital ONE strategy-

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