Due to the illegal entrance examination problem of the Faculty of Medicine, St. Marianna University School of Medicine has decided to return the amount equivalent to the examination fee to about 2015 students excluding those who passed the general entrance examination in 2018-1 and those who declined admission.In October, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology decided that it had to be considered that there was an inappropriate entrance examination.

 Since the issue of fraudulent entrance examinations at the Faculty of Medicine emerged, St. Marianna University School of Medicine has been conducting audits by auditors and investigating third-party committees. Has been claimed to be unintentional.

 At the same time, the examination fee was returned to about 2 students taking the second examination during the same period, but the Ministry of Education informed that "there was an inappropriate entrance examination for women and ronin", and for a long time. I decided to expand the scope of the return by reflecting on the fact that it caused confusion for the examinees and related parties.

 Since St. Marianna University School of Medicine disposes of application documents, we ask the examinees to apply and confirm based on their name and date of birth.The application can be made from the university homepage, and as soon as it is confirmed that the student is an examinee, the examination fee will be returned with the remittance fee and the shipping fee for the application documents added.

 President Hiroaki Kitagawa announced an apology comment on the website, saying, "I apologize for causing anxiety and inconvenience to the examinees and related parties for a long time."

reference:[St. Marianna University School of Medicine] Refund of the amount equivalent to the entrance examination fee, etc. to the applicants for the general entrance examination of the university from 27 to 30 (Notice)

St. Marianna University of Medicine

Fostering "good doctors" who are aware of their mission as doctors and value the dignity of life

St. Marianna University School of Medicine was founded in 1971 and has a founding philosophy of "training doctors based on the dignity of life rooted in Christian love for humanity."This philosophy is consistently reflected not only in the curriculum of pre-graduation education, but also in medical care at the university hospital and specialized education and research after graduation.Just study science […]

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