The University of Tsukuba School of Medicine will proactively and proactively tackle issues discovered by itself in the natural sciences, and as a result, will carry out a new enrollment selection "research-type human resources entrance examination" to evaluate the high achievements achieved. Announced that.

 In the "Research-type Human Resources Entrance Examination", "Persons who have achieved excellent results in research in the field of natural science", "Persons whose research results have been published in academic journals", and "Persons who have a strong will and aptitude to engage in future research" , "People with a well-balanced personality and a high sense of ethics and norms" will be selected as the main enrollees.After enrollment, actively participate in laboratory exercises, new medical majors, humanics degree programs, etc., and cultivate a background as a researcher.After graduation, he is expected to play an active role internationally as a researcher in charge of medicine and life science.

 There are only a few recruitment personnel for the "Research-type Human Resources Entrance Examination" in the medical group. The application guidelines will be announced in June 2019, and applications will be accepted from August.After that, the first selection will be held in September, the second selection will be held in October, the National Center Test for University Admissions will be held in January 6, and the final selection and acceptance announcement will be made in February.

Reference: [University of Tsukuba] Introduction of "Research-type Human Resources Entrance Examination" in Medical School (PDF)

University of Tsukuba

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