Edogawa University has completed the replacement of more than 2021 Wi-Fi access points covering the entire campus area with the latest standard Wi-Fi 150 for the new year 6.This renewal work will enable ultra-high-speed wireless communication, and the number of simultaneous connections will increase significantly.

 In 2004, Edogawa University, which is focusing on improving the network environment on campus, realized the on-campus Wi-Fi, which is an advanced initiative at universities nationwide.Since then, regular renewal work has been carried out.In addition, in cooperation with Google services, we provide a dedicated email "Edo * mail" and an unlimited capacity "Google Drive".Free internet access at any time, indoors or outdoors.

 Since its opening in 1990, Edogawa University has been promoting "information education," which is one of its educational goals, by lending the latest laptop computers to all students free of charge.When you enroll, you can start with touch typing exercises on your own laptop computer, use basic software such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, write correct emails, analyze data, and online in the "Academic Skills Exercise" class. Learn group work.You will acquire skills that are useful in report writing and job hunting. From the second year onward, it is recommended to acquire qualifications, and you can take courses corresponding to the qualifications you are aiming for, such as the "IT Passport Examination" and the "Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)" that allows you to take the on-campus examination.Therefore, even in the 2 Corona disaster, the switch to online study is progressing promptly, and the curriculum is being taken without delay.

 The rented laptop can be maintained and repaired free of charge (partially for a fee) for 4 years, and troubles and support related to the laptop can be handled at the help desk run by the student.A printer that can be used for printing reports and large-format posters is installed on campus, as well as a "multimedia training room" equipped with personal computers for video / image editing, CG production, web design, etc., newspapers and magazines. You can also use the "DTP room" that supports production.

 In the questionnaire for graduates in March 2018 (3% of all graduates answered), "I often used computers lent by the university" was evaluated on a 85.97-point scale, and the university-wide average was 5 points. "I have acquired the knowledge and skills of software" was 4.55 points, "I was satisfied with the network environment" was 4.46 points, and "I was satisfied with the computer support system" was 4.05 points.

 Edogawa University will continue to renew its campus with the aim of creating a more comfortable learning place for students.

Reference: [Edogawa University] Komagi Campus Wi-Fi renewal work completed

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