List of articles on research results

The number of people without heterosexual intercourse is increasing, 30% in their 1s The University of Tokyo analyzes

 The problem of Japan's declining birthrate is serious, but the reality of heterosexual intercourse that leads to pregnancy and childbirth has not been known so far.Research by Professor Kenji Shibuya of the University of Tokyo […]

Which option is more valuable?Elucidating the parts of the brain that are being compared University of Tsukuba

 According to a research group at the University of Tsukuba, the process related to the selection behavior of "which option is more valuable" is performed in the orbitofrontal cortex of the brain […].

An international team of researchers at Kogakuin University succeeded in shooting a black hole

 An international research team, including visiting researchers at Kogakuin University, has succeeded in photographing a supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy.all around the world […]

The University of Tokyo succeeds in controlling the onset and progression of food allergies

 A research group of Assistant Professor Tatsuro Nakamura of the University of Tokyo has been able to administer a drug that stimulates the prostaglandin D2 receptor to mice to provide food […].

Discovered by Tokyo Institute of Technology, where microorganisms were eating natural gas in gas fields

A research team led by Assistant Professor Alexis Gilbert of Tokyo Institute of Technology found that propane was added to microorganisms in natural gas fields […].

Succeeded in developing a system for artificial intelligence to discriminate and evaluate promising sperm

 The research group of Professor Tomoki Hamagami of Yokohama National University Institute of Engineering is TESE (Testicul […]] performed by a testicular sperm extractor in the treatment of male infertility.

Discovered that cats are distinguishing their names Sophia University

 A research group led by Associate Professor Yoshiko Saito of Sophia University has revealed that domestic cats distinguish their names.

"Metacognition" is important for improving grades The University of Tokyo and Benesse follow up high school students

 The Benesse Institute of Education and the Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo have been conducting a "Parent-Child Panel Survey" to track the same parent and child for 12 years since 2015 […]

Tokyo Medical and Dental University elucidates the mechanism of skin youth maintenance and aging

 The research group of Professor Emi Nishimura, Assistant Professor Hiroyuki Matsumura, and Mr. Liu Kusunoki of the Institute for Intractable Diseases, Tokyo Medical and Dental University has found that skin stem cell competition is weak due to aging […].

Pediatric medical expenses subsidy increases drug costs for healthy children, University of Tokyo survey

 The full subsidy for children's out-of-pocket medical expenses promoted by local governments increases drug costs for children in good health, increasing overall medical expenses […]