List of articles on research results

Creating compounds with two aromatics-double aromatics with different orbits Saitama University

 Aromatic compounds represented by benzene are one of the important compound groups that support today's material science.The unique properties of benzene are aromaticity and […]

Nagoya University jointly develops intelligence test with Mongolian State University of Education and solicits donations by crowdfunding

 Nagoya University, in collaboration with Mongolian State University of Education, has begun developing an intelligence test for Mongolian children.However, it is nearing completion […]

Elucidation of the mechanism by which newborn neurons increase in a stimulating environment, such as Kyushu University

 In the hippocampus, which is the center of cognition and emotion, nerve cells (neurons) are produced even after development (adult hippocampal neurogenesis phenomenon).New Neuro […]

The University of Tokyo and others announce the first results of precision cosmology with the Subaru Telescope

 The research group led by Assistant Professor Chiaki Hikage of the University of Tokyo is the most about the spatial distribution of 3D dark matter in the universe by the Subaru Telescope […].

Chiba industry-academia-government platform, comprehensive cooperation agreement with Chiba city

 The Chiba Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Platform, which aims to promote collaboration between universities, local governments, and companies in and around Chiba City, is a comprehensive collaboration agreement with Chiba City […]

Visualization of effects leads to motivation of children Okayama University utilizes big data for e-learning demonstration experiment

 Professor Takafumi Terazawa of the Graduate School of Education, Okayama University has established a method to surely improve children's motivation through e-learning using big data […]

For the first time in the world, Hiroshima University discovers the effect of increasing light by 500 times on titanium oxide

 A research group led by Professor Kenichi Saito of Hiroshima University observed for the first time the enormous enhancing effect of light with titanium oxide.Wide range of applications is expected. […]

Started research on algorithms for extracting virtual currency information, the University of Tokyo, etc.

 Dentsu Group's Information Services International-Dentsu and the University of Tokyo are related to fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market from tweets posted on Twitter around the world […]

Developed Ytterbium optical lattice clock that can be operated for a long time with an error of 9 second in 1 million years

 A research group consisting of Yokohama National University and Takumi Kobayashi, a researcher at the Industrial Technology Research Institute, has jointly developed an ytterbium optical lattice clock that can be operated for a long time […].

Nagoya University demonstrates world's first energy transport via plasma waves in outer space

 Professor Masashi Koji, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University, is a member of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Department of Space Science […]