The Chiba Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Platform, which aims to promote collaboration between universities, local governments, and companies in and around Chiba City, has signed a comprehensive collaboration agreement with Chiba City.Work on promoting local employment for younger generations, risk management in the event of a disaster, and collaboration at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

 According to Shukutoku University, the signing ceremony of the agreement was held at Chiba City Hall, and Tetsuya Isooka, President of Shukutoku University, and Toshihito Kumagai, Mayor of Chiba, exchanged the agreement, which is the chairman of the Chiba Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Platform.

 The agreement aims to contribute to the development of the local community by coordinating in a wide range of fields.As a collaborative business
■ Promotion of measures and problem solving in Chiba City
■ Student employment support
■ Providing opportunities for lifelong learning and re-learning for working adults for the 100-year life
■ Human resource development
-And so on.

 President Isooka said, "Future regional policies should not wait for the government to do something, but should take the initiative in what we can do and be involved in solving regional issues together with the government. Our platform Would like to contribute to solving regional issues by making good use of academic and human resources. "

 The Chiba Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Platform was established by bringing together 11 private universities and junior colleges such as Shukutoku University, Uekusa Gakuen Junior College, and Chiba University of Economics in and around Chiba City. The 11 schools will jointly create a university information pamphlet for applicants to enroll, call for admission, and hold a joint company information session for current students to promote employment at local companies.

reference:[Shukutoku University] Chiba Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Platform and Chiba City have signed an "Agreement on Comprehensive Collaboration"

Shutoku University
Shutoku University

To be "I want to be".Here is the learning that is suitable for the future "I"

Shukutoku University is a comprehensive university consisting of 7 faculties and 13 departments of comprehensive welfare, community policy, nursing nutrition, management, education, and humanities.Based on the founding spirit of "altruistic symbiosis," we develop human resources who have basic abilities as a bachelor and are active in various fields.Practical learning that will help you to play an active role in society, each student […]

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