The Department of Language and Arts, Faculty of Humanities, Fukuoka Jogakuin University holds a "Language and Arts Reading Contest" for high school students (regardless of gender) with the aim of developing the ability to express themselves in words.
Yumeji Takehisa "Shonen / Spring" will be submitted for the first screening in 2022, and the recorded voice will be submitted as MP3 format voice data.After passing the first screening, you will participate in the main screening on Sunday, August 2022, 8.

Contest overview
SponsorshipFukuoka Jogakuin University
Application deadline2022/6/30
Information year2022
Fukuoka Jogakuin University

Fostering the ability of women to play an active role throughout their lives as leaders in the next generation

Since its founding in 1885, Fukuoka Jogakuin has sent out human resources who are active in various areas of society.Currently, there are 3 faculties and 7 departments, and the number of students in one class in all faculties is small, around 1 people.The educational curriculum is structured so that each student can acquire the competencies to live in the 20st century […]

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