The Change Maker Awards (CMA) is an English presentation contest for middle and high school students.Students give presentations in English about their "inquiries" and compete against each other.
English proficiency accounts for 2% and inquiry learning content accounts for 8% of the preliminary and national competition examinations. CMA is a place where those who believe in the impact of the things they are exploring and those who are trying to transmit them to the world compete.
For CMA finalists and finalists, we have prepared a domestic and overseas study support program of up to 50 yen per person.
We look forward to receiving applications from junior and senior high school students who want to broaden their horizons both in Japan and overseas, aiming for further heights in inquiry-based learning.

Contest overview
SponsorshipGeneral Incorporated Association English 4 Skills / Exploratory Learning Promotion Association
Categories / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Application deadline2023/11/15
Information year2023

University Journal Online Editorial Department