List of articles of Kyushu University

Kyushu University and others demonstrate that the cry of the Tsukutsukuboushi has different meanings for each part

 A research group led by Ken Kodama (a doctoral student) at the Graduate School of Kyushu University, in collaboration with Osaka Public University, gave male tsuku tsuku […]

A flapping wing-shaped flying robot succeeds in liftoff for the first time in a simulated high-altitude flight environment

 Flying organisms such as insects and birds generate aerodynamic force that supports their own weight mainly by forming leading edge vortices on the wing surface, and perform excellent flight on the ground […]

To improve the gender balance, the dean of the national university science dean makes a meeting statement

 The deans of the science departments of 10 national universities, including Tohoku University, aim to realize a gender-balanced environment and develop diverse human resources in the science departments […]

Elucidation of differences in prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in Japan, China, and South Korea

 A group of researchers from Waseda University, Kyushu University, Nagasaki University, etc. […]

Kyushu University and Bridgestone start an organization-oriented collaboration

 Kyushu University has started an organizational collaboration with Bridgestone, a major tire manufacturer.New innovation through co-creation that leverages the strengths of each […]

The body itself gives a “trigger” to fight cancer Kyushu University advocates a new cancer treatment

 A group at Kyushu University's Graduate School of Engineering has developed a new type of cancer that utilizes the body's ability to eliminate foreign matter, and allows the body to treat cancer by itself.

Kyushu University, Mitsui Fudosan, and Nippon Steel Kowa Real Estate start joint research on semiconductor industry cluster

 TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.), the world's largest consignment semiconductor manufacturer, has expanded into Kumamoto Prefecture, and the local economy is showing vigor reminiscent of the bubble period […]

Highly-concentrated radioactive cesium-containing microparticles flowed into and remained inside buildings in difficult-to-return zones

 Twelve years have passed since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident that occurred in March 2011, and people are returning to difficult-to-return zones where radioactivity has been reduced by decontamination […]

Kyushu University and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Conclude Comprehensive Partnership Agreement

 Kyushu University signed a comprehensive partnership agreement with Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University to promote academic exchange and deepen mutual cooperation in various fields.History and […]

11 National Universities in Kyushu/Okinawa form ``Kyushu-Okinawa Open University''

 11 national universities in the Kyushu and Okinawa regions, including Kyushu University, exchanged a memorandum of understanding for collaboration to improve research capabilities.The declining research capacity of Japan is a big problem […]