List of articles of Kyushu University

Visualization of invisible regional disparities in suicide by prefecture, Kyushu University, etc.

 Research groups from Kyushu University, Chiba University, Hamamatsu University of Medicine, Miyazaki University, etc. are investigating regional disparities in suicide that may be overlooked if judged on a prefecture-by-prefecture basis […]

Kyushu University Insect Center Signs Partnership Agreement with Kama City to Collaborate on Insect Business

 The Insect Science and New Industry Creation Research Center attached to the Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyushu University signed a partnership agreement with Kama City, Fukuoka Prefecture.Kyushu University Industry-Academia-Public-Private Collaboration Center […]

Intracerebral mechanism that moves both eyes in different directions to align the displacement of both eyes

 Humans move their eyes in coordination with each other in order to stabilize their vision and obtain a three-dimensional effect.However, aligning both eyes, such as strabismus […]

Kyushu University and Kyocera start organizational-based collaboration to tackle social issues through industry-academia collaboration

 Kyushu University and Kyocera Corporation signed an organization-friendly collaboration agreement on June 2022, 6.The 3st Collaboration Council on July 7th of the same year (Kick-off Mi […]]

Elucidation of internal structural changes of queen ants who raise their children independently in their nests, such as Tamagawa University

 In many ants, the queen must lay eggs alone in the nest and raise workers (worker ants) during the creation of new colonies. […]

Kyushu University discovers blood biomarker for hikikomori, making it possible to identify hikikomori

 The research team at Kyushu University conducts analysis at the world's only "hikikomori research outpatient clinic" owned by Kyushu University Hospital, and the blood that characterizes hikikomori […]

Toshin opens a new course specializing in comprehensive selection and school recommendation type selection of the former imperial university

 Nagase Co., Ltd., which operates Toshin High School and Toshin Satellite Preparatory School, announced on May 2022, 5, the comprehensive selection and school recommendation type selection of the former Imperial University […]

Highly secure biometric authentication using exhaled breath Realized by artificial smell sensor and machine learning

 A joint research group of the University of Tokyo, Kyushu University, Nagoya University, Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. and others has used an artificial olfactory sensor to exhale gas […].

The cause of prolonged itch is a protein that increases when scratched many times, discovered by Kyushu University, etc.

 Research groups at Kyushu University Graduate School, Okayama University, and Johns Hopkins University (USA) are nervous by repeatedly scratching itchy skin […]