List of articles of Nagoya Institute of Technology

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology nanotechnology platform "excellent utilization results" 4 cases decided

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Nanotechnology Platform has selected particularly excellent results from the approximately 2018 usage issues up to FY20,000 […]

"Nagoya Rokudai Top Message Forum" held in Osaka

"Nagoya Rokudai Top Message Forum" will open at TKP Garden City Osaka Umeda from 2019:12 on December 11, 15 (Wednesday) […]

Nagoya Institute of Technology, 1969 graduates "half a century late graduation ceremony"

 Nagoya Institute of Technology will hold a ceremony to commemorate the 2019th anniversary of graduation "Graduation Ceremony Half a Century Delayed" on October 10, 26.

Nagoya Institute of Technology starts joint doctoral program with German universities from October 2019

 At Nagoya Institute of Technology, from October 2019, with the German University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the Japan-Germany joint doctor program ([…]

Elucidation of the main components of UV-reflecting wax secreted by dragonflies

 The research group of the Industrial Technology Research Institute, in collaboration with Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Nagoya Institute of Technology, and Tokyo University of Agriculture, is an ultraviolet anti-ultraviolet substance secreted by Orthetrum albisum […].

A venture from Nagoya Institute of Technology and the same university realizes ultra-high-precision singing voice synthesis by AI

 The Institute of International Vocal Language Technology of Nagoya Institute of Technology and Techno Speech Co., Ltd. reproduce human voice quality, habits, and singing styles with unprecedented accuracy […]

Professor Tetsuo Shibata of Nagoya Institute of Technology and others elucidate "thalidomide paradox"

 Thalidomide, which caused severe fetal limb malformations in the 1950s, is now a medicine of hope to save cancer patients around the world.Sari […]

To spread and deploy next-generation communication technology 5G Research and development started with Professor Hiroshi Amano of Nagoya University

 BroadBand Tower Co., Ltd., Panasonic Semiconductor Solutions Co., Ltd., Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Tokyo Institute of Technology […]

Elucidating the left-handed teratogenic theory of thalidomide at the molecular level, ending the mystery of 40 years

 Joint research group of Professor Toshio Hakoshima of Nara Advanced Science and Technology Graduate University, Specially Appointed Professor Hiroshi Handa of Tokyo Medical University, Professor Tetsuo Shibata of Nagoya Institute of Technology […]

Kumamoto University, etc. succeeded in determining the atomic position of impurities that determine the properties of materials for the first time in the world

The research group of Professor Shinya Hosokawa of Kumamoto University combined conventional methods and new technologies, and impureness that could not be obtained by ordinary diffraction experiments or electron microscopy […]