List of articles of the University of Tokyo

Developed a new substance like amoeba that changes liquidity by itself The University of Tokyo

 The research group of the University of Tokyo and the National Institute for Materials Science has sol (liquid) state and gel (coagulation […]] without applying any electricity, light, heat, etc. from the outside.

The same "inverted face effect" as mammals was discovered in Medaka by the University of Tokyo and Okayama University

 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Research Fellow Wang (currently the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Specially Appointed Researcher) and Okayama University's research group are Medaka […]

Selected as a next-generation entrepreneur development project such as the University of Tokyo, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

 On July 2017, 7, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) selected the results of the "10 Next Generation Entrepreneur Development Project (EDGE-NEXT)" […]

Ending the long-standing controversy over the key players in the development of high-temperature superconductivity

 By using a superconductor, the energy loss due to electrical resistance can be reduced to zero.Above all, the superconducting transition temperature exceeds the liquid nitrogen temperature […]

Discovery by Ehime University and others that overturns conventional theory Stable iron hydroxide under ultra-high pressure in the deep mantle

 A research group led by Assistant Professor Masayuki Nishi of Ehime University (in addition to Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Tokyo, etc.) is a stable iron […] in an ultra-high temperature and high pressure environment deep in the Earth's mantle.

The University of Tokyo theoretically elucidates the "dormant state" of cells

 Professor Kunihiko Kaneko and Yusuke Himeoka, a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, used computer simulation and theoretical biophysics to detail […]

Advanced exchange trading with AI, University of Tokyo researches with Mizuho Bank

 The research group of Yutaka Matsuo, a specially appointed associate professor of the Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, is Mizuho Bank (Tokyo, Koji Fujiwara), Big Data Analysis, A […]

Designated as a designated national university corporation by three universities, Tohoku, Tokyo, and Kyoto

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has selected three schools, Tohoku University, the University of Tokyo, and Kyoto University, as designated national university corporations that are expected to have the world's highest level of educational and research activities. Research in 3 schools […]

AI developed by E-Guardian with the University of Tokyo becomes a judge for talent auditions

 E-Guardian will be hosting "Miss.AI-Artificial Intelligence's Choice, Bishoujo Audition […]" hosted by LesPros Entertainment on June 6rd.

The 59th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition has been decided, and many research institutes such as Hokkaido University have participated.

 At the 6th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition Headquarters held on June 23, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) made 150 members including the 59th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition […].
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