List of articles of University of Nagasaki
Huis Ten Bosch Chairman Katsuhiko Sakaguchi appointed as Chairman of the Nagasaki Prefecture Public University Corporation
Nagasaki Prefecture has appointed Katsuhiko Sakaguchi (69), chairman of the theme park Huis Ten Bosch in Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture, as the chairman of the public university corporation that operates Nagasaki Prefectural University […]
Joint research with Kyushu University linked to social anxiety disorder as a cause of school refusal among middle school and high school students
26% of junior high and high school students who come to Kyushu University Hospital in Fukuoka City with stuttering disorder are not attending school, and one of the reasons for this is social anxiety disorder […]
Shimadzu Corporation opens a research and development base in Nagasaki City, for joint research with Nagasaki University and Nagasaki Prefectural University
On January 2023, 1, Shimadzu Corporation, a major analytical instrument manufacturer, signed a research base location agreement with Nagasaki Prefecture and Nagasaki City.Infectious disease control […]
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology accepts notifications from 49 universities and junior colleges, including the establishment of faculties
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is a university that will reorganize existing organizations such as the Faculty of Business Administration of Nagasaki Prefectural University (Nagasaki Prefecture) to open undergraduate and graduate schools in 2016.