List of articles of Kyushu University

20 million premature deaths annually due to G2.5 consumption and PM200 emissions

 Research by Professor Yasuyuki Kondo of Waseda University School of Political Economy and National Institute for Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyushu University, and Sydney University, Australia […]

Decline in social activity due to corona damage, visualized with "seismometer" New usage of vibration data

 Various vibrations other than seismic motion are recorded on the seismograph.Using this, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and the group of Kyushu University will use the new roller […].

"Climate change canary" Noctilucent cloud develops new observation method by Himawari-8

 Research groups such as the University of Electro-Communications, Information and Communication Research Organization, Meiji University, National Institute of Polar Research, and Kyushu University have launched the geostationary meteorological satellite "Himawari 8" […].

Developed by Kyushu University, etc., a continuous monitoring technology for geological formations that can store a large amount of CO2

 Research groups at Kyushu University, Nagoya University, and the University of Tokyo have developed a new system that utilizes a small continuous source device and an optical fiber seismograph.

Discover effective compounds for diseases with AI in a short time, Kyushu University, etc.

 Keiichi Nakayama, Chief Professor, Institute of Biodefense Medicine, Kyushu University, Hideyuki Shimizu Research Fe, Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, USA […]

Great effect on extending the life of automobile products and reducing carbon dioxide

 Environmental measures for automobiles are focused only on reducing carbon dioxide emissions during driving, but extending the product life will greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions […].

Kyushu University elucidates long-term memory through 3-day EEG training

 A research group led by Associate Professor Tsuyoshi Okamoto of Kyushu University's Institute of Fundamental Research demonstrated that three days of EEG training can improve long-term memory.

Online seminar on compulsory data science education held on 9/10 IDE University Association

 On September 2021, 9, the Kinki Branch of the IDE University Association announced the 10rd year of Reiwa IDE University Seminar "On the Compulsory Data Science Education-Sentence […]

Regeneration of functional ovarian tissue from mouse pluripotent stem cells, Kyushu University and others succeed for the first time in the world

 The research group of Professor Katsuhiko Hayashi of Kyushu University Graduate School, in collaboration with RIKEN, reconstructed ovarian tissue from pluripotent stem cells of mice for the first time in the world […]

Designated national university, Kyushu University reapplies

 Kyushu University has re-applied for a national university corporation aiming for the world's highest level of education and research as a designated national university corporation designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.So far East […]
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