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The University of Tokyo succeeds in the world's first "power supply from the road while driving" actual vehicle

 On April 4, a research group led by Associate Professor Hiroshi Fujimoto of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo, collaborated with Toyo Denki Seizo and NSK to perform electrical automation […].

Gene therapy may cure adult-onset deafness Tohoku University

 A research group led by Atsushi Suzuki, a part-time lecturer at the Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University, has found that inner hair cells in the inner ear of adult mice (receive sound and enter the brain […]].

The more nature experiences you have in your childhood, the more tolerant you are to wildlife. Tokyo Metropolitan University

 The research group of Tetsuro Hosaka, a specially appointed associate professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University (Shinya Numata Laboratory, Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences), has a childhood experience of nature […]

The percentage of female researchers is increasing worldwide, and the influence is equal to that of men.

 Female researchers account for 12-4% in 11 major countries and regions around the world, and the number of citations and downloads of papers is the same as that of male researchers […]

Development of rice line that can bloom and harvest at any time The University of Tokyo

 The research group of Professor Takeshi Izawa of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo, has collaborated with the Agricultural and Biological Resources Research Institute to collaborate with growers' hopes.

Development of teacher ability by theatrical method Hokkaido Kyoiku University publishes a book

 Hokkaido […] in the "HATO Project", a collaborative project between Hokkaido Kyoiku University, Aichi University of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, and Osaka Kyoiku University.

More than 4% of disposable income is for education, and 2% of households with college students

 According to a member survey of the Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union, about 2% of households with children, including college students, spend more than 40% of their disposable income on education expenses. […]

Proposing a new large earthquake occurrence model in the Ecuador-Colombia subduction zone Nagoya University and others

 The research group of Dr. Masahiro Yoshimoto of Nagoya University is collaborating with the Ecuadorian Institute for Geophysics, the Columbia Geological Survey, and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology […].

3% of students who are looking for a job go to the interview / examination stage as of March 1st. 

 "Aidem People and Job Research Institute", which supports corporate management from the aspect of recruiting human resources, is a student related to job hunting for those who are planning to graduate in March 2018 […]

Reported to the Council of Experts, 2040% of the capacity of local universities in 40

 If the current university enrollment rate and the number of students enrolled in universities in Tokyo remain unchanged, there will be a large drop in capacity of about 2040% in 40 in rural areas […].