List of protein articles

Discover new factors that control the acceptance of symbiotic microorganisms in plants, such as the University of Tsukuba

 Plants live in symbiotic relationships with various microorganisms in the soil.For example, legumes perform "nodule symbiosis" with rhizobia […]

Elucidation of the molecular mechanism that controls the advance and retreat of bacteria Nagoya University, etc.

 Research groups at Nagoya University, Osaka University, and Nagahama Institute of Biosciences have announced that one of the proteins, F [...]

Succeeded in identifying a novel protein related to mitochondrial and peroxisome division and proliferation for the first time in the world Kyushu University

 Yukio Fujiki, a specially appointed professor at the Institute of Biodefense Medicine, Kyushu University, and his group are a novel tamper that controls the proliferation of mitochondria and peroxisomes […]

University of Tsukuba identifies phosphorylated protein, which is a great clue to the true nature of "sleepiness"

 The research group of the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine, University of Tsukuba has comprehensively compared and analyzed phosphorylated proteins in the brains of two "drowsiness model" mice […].

Developed high-strength gel material from egg white, 150 times stronger than boiled egg Tokyo Institute of Technology

A research group led by Assistant Professor Tatsuya Nojima of Tokyo Institute of Technology made a high-strength gel material "egg white protein condensate gel" from egg white protein of chicken eggs […]

Nagoya University et al. Elucidate the control mechanism of bacterial flagellar motor

 A joint research group of Nagoya University, Nagaoka Bio University, and Yokohama National University is one of the proteins that make up the motor organ hair motor of bacteria […]

Kazuhiro Nagata, Director of Protein Dynamics Research Institute, Kyoto Sangyo University, Receives Hans Neurath Science Award

 Kazuhiro Nagata, Director of the Institute of Protein Dynamics, Kyoto Sangyo University (Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences), is an international organization "The Protein Societ […]

Discovered how the body accurately ticks 24 hours The University of Tokyo and others

 On December 12, RIKEN and the University of Tokyo established a method for producing various genetically modified mice in parallel, and "Cryptochrome 23 (C [...]]

Sugar transport protein transports the plant hormone "gibberellin"

 A joint research group of RIKEN, Tohoku University, and Tokyo Metropolitan University has found the SWEET protein […], which has been considered as a sugar transporter in plants.

Invited Nobel Prize-winning Professor Osumi and others to the Institute of Protein Dynamics, Kyoto Sangyo University

 Kyoto Sangyo University has been awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine as an invited professor at the Institute for Protein Dynamics (Director Kazuhiro Nagata).