List of articles on genome analysis

Elucidation of more than 60 species of citrus parent-child relationships Kyoto University and others

 The National Institute of Genetics, the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, and Professor Nobu Kitajima of the Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University have collaborated to decipher the entire genome sequence of 15 species of citrus fruits.Variety / system […]

Succeeded in accurate genomic diagnosis of recurrent and multiple liver cancers RIKEN and Wakayama Medical University

 Hidetoshi Nakagawa, Team Leader, Genome Sequence Analysis Research Team, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Researcher Mayuko Furuta, […]

DoCoMo and Tohoku University Start World's Largest Data Integration Analysis for Pregnant Women's Disease Prevention

 NTT DoCoMo, Inc. (hereinafter, DoCoMo) and National University Corporation Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization (hereinafter, ToMMo) are pregnant women […]

Innovation in the 100th year of research Succeeded in decoding the entire genome sequence of morning glory

 Research groups at the National Institute for Basic Biology, Keio University, and Kyushu University have almost completely solved the entire genome sequence of the morning glory, which is a research resource unique to Japan […].

Discovered tardigrade protein that protects human cells from radiation The University of Tokyo and others

 Tardigrades are small aquatic animals less than 1 mm. High temperature of 100 degrees to low temperature environment of minus 273 degrees, vacuum space, ultra-high pressure environment, […]

Identifying the actual state of pluripotency of human ES / iPS cells Kyoto University from comparison with monkeys and mice

 A joint research group of Kyoto University and Shiga University of Medical Science has developed primate pluripotent cells by whole-genome-level analysis using cynomolgus monkey embryos […].

AIST opens an open innovation laboratory at Waseda University for the first time at a private university

 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology has established an open innovation laboratory (* 1) at Waseda University to analyze big data of biological systems […]

World's first successful genome decoding of super grains Kyoto University, Ishikawa Prefectural University, etc.

 Quinoa, a member of spinach, is a grain of international interest that the United Nations has designated 2013 as the "International Year of Quinoa."This time, the supermarket […]

Zinc deficiency in breast milk occurs more than expected in Japan?Kyoto University

 A research group led by an associate professor at the Graduate School of Life Sciences, Kyoto University, has found the cause of low-zinc breast milk, which causes growth disorders in infants […].

Tumor suppressor genes cause multicellular organisms to be elucidated by genome decoding The University of Tokyo, etc.

 An international research group led by Hisayoshi Nozaki, an associate professor at the Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo, has found key genes in the early stages of the evolution of single cells into multicellular organisms […].